Episodes of Sleep

Daily ramblings of Anthony Kang

Probabilistic Methods

Struggle bus stop 1

It’s the week before spring break and my professors decided to schedule all their tests this week. I’m not even on quarter system so why do I have a finals week before my spring break. This is some bullshit. First test was in my probabilistic methods class. The material was ok but the test tore me a new asshole because half the problems were on the one topic I chose to not review as closely as I could of.

Party time with $4 vege burritos

Four dollars for all this is pretty good, but I will admit Fiesta is getting old. But I enjoy catching up to all my Indian friends that always come during the four dollar special on mondays. And god dam Akshay was supposed to pay for me today cause I spotted him last time but he ran out of money again so I had to spot him again. Fuck you Akshay.

After consulting a fair amount of people I also decided to work at Amazon during the summer as a Software Developer Intern. See you mofos in SF. Fucking Akshay didin’t even know what mofo meant and he was just throwing the phrase around.

Baked Indian Style Chicken Drumsticks

Baked chicken drumsticks again but this time with indian flavors. And by indian flavors all I mean is I just put some Garam Masala, Coriander, and Chili Powder on my chicken.


  • Ingredients:
  • chicken drumsticks: however many you want
  • Bacon: however much you like bacon
  • Chopped carrots
  • Chopped Broccolli
  • Coriander Powder, Chili Powder, Garam Masala
  • Fry Bacon on pan until the pan gets covered with the bacon grease
  • Brown the chicken in the grease for some arbitray amount of time. Just look at how brown it is. When you think it’s brown enough then you’re guchi.
  • Mix the powders with ample salt and pepper, and just sprinkle that shit all over the chicken.
  • Put the veges on top
  • Sprinkle more seasoning mixture.
  • Pore some water in to the pan. Don’t ask me how much, just look at the pan to figure it out.
  • Throw that shit in to an oven around like 450 degrees. I cooked for the time it took Trump to play 2 games of Hearthstone. But maybe 1.5 games would have been enough.

You end up with some ballin carrots and broccolli, and some fineeeee as chicken. Assuming you cooked it for the right amount of time. But the more you cook, the more intuitive it gets to find out how long to cook things for.

Crop Dusting

Nikhil swiped me to the dining courts today for brunch because it was my birthday, so shout out to him. Unfortunately, I can’t celebrate until next week because I have 5 midterms this coming week :[. Didin’t do much today besides study and work out with kevin. I think I’m getting better at making these baked chicken drumsticks though. Look at this shit.

Hacker or Programmer

Double post today since I missed a post yesterday because I was at a hackathon.

Zombie Apocalypse

I actually had to do a google search on apocalypse to make sure I spelled it correctly and magically I did. But this dream was freaking brazy, yea, crazy not brazy. So brazy I remembered it even it was two nights ago. So I me and my buddy Erik were somewhere in China visiting our buddy Jason. And everything seemed really normal, just chilling and going around China but for some reason we spent a lot of time on the subways. Like the the only places that felt safe in the country were on the subways, but even then, there was some kind of uncomfortable aura from being on the subway. Somehow, the entire universe we were in became some sort of zombie apocalypse world. In my dreams I’m always thrown in to these being chased situations where I have to run away. So Erik and I were actually with a bunch of other people and we were running away but they couldn’t keep up with me cause we had to parkor over trucks for some reason, so I guess I just kept running and I left them behind. I didin’t ditch them, I just needed to figure out a way out of this. I saw a family of four enter a bathroom and then I saw a light flash from underneath the door. I opened the bathroom door and they were gone, all that was left was a menu on the toilet seat. On the menu was an option for “go home.” So I guess I just ordered that and I was teleported back home. But then I knew I had to go back and get Erik and the others so I used the menu to order myself back in to the zombie world…. I ran out of the bathroom holding the menu and I saw the others and they said “Anthony! we found a way to get back home! We have to hold each other’s hand and run to Wal-Mart where there’s a portal!” Well I said fuck that cause I have this menu.

Tortilla Espanola (kind of)

Basically an egg omlette with bacon, spinach, SAUSAGE, and rice.

Hack the Anvil

Went to an hackathon with my buds, but I guess I don’t have the same fire as the other hackers there so we left early. I mean I really enjoy programming and creating new things, and trying out new technologies, but I guess I do enjoy it enough to go for 36 hours straight. I mean, I want to play basketball and eat real food, not the chain store pizza they provide for us. But it was still a good expereince, I got to try out a Myo, which is an arm band that reacts to different ways you flex your arm, to send specific inputs to a program.

the next day

Ok so my dream from last night, which was after the hackathon, involved me doing pushups and somehow kicking my mom in the face. So we’ll just leave it at that.

Boiler Block Bacon

Made an actual omlette today instead of my weird half scramble half omlette thing. And some nice, meaty bacon from the Purdue butcher shop. And I also like peanut butter.

I have 5 consecutive midterms the following week so I mainly just studied today. Gotta know those pdfs, cdfs, and pmfs. But at the same time that didin’t stop me from playing 4 hours of basketball today. UGHHHHHHH

Spaghetti cooked in meat juice

So I had some leftover meat juice from cooking that huge ass steak the other day, as well as the steak, so I decided to cook the spaghetti in that meat juice. This was hands down the best fucking spaghetti I’ve ever made for myself. I think everything should just be cooked in meat juice.

Slice of Cow

I deemed my dream good enough to take notes on it in the morning, so let’s see if I can recall it based on my notes. Ok so there’s this one plaza in cupertino or sunnyvale or I don’t even know where somewhere around that area, and that plaza has like a Japanese store, and a beard papa. So I was driving there to meet my family, but my car was driving freaking weird, it had no handling. So if you’ve played mario kart before, it’s like my car had like a handling rating of 1 out of 10. I couldn’t make turns for shit. But like I said before I don’t simply dream, I freaking expereince the feelings, so imagine driving a car that you can’t turn, and you can’t slow down, on a regular road. But whatever I finally make it to the dam blaza and there’s a gym like barbell brigade, bart kwan’s gym, except everyone working out in the gym was naked. So there were people walking around in the parking lot naked so I don’t know, instead of going what the fuck I actually was just like ok I’m down and went to work out in there. All I really remember was the dream was fucking crazy, and this one person had boobs as muscles, if you can imagine that. Also next door was a store selling like pounds of smoked turkey wrapped in plastic wrap. I just kept thinking of fermented meat when I woke up.

Breakfast Tacos

Only had one egg today so I couldn’t make the usual. I needed to eat some carbs also because I had to skip lunch, so insert the tacos.

steak on steak on steak

So I had a cut of beef that was about 1.5ft long and 1ft wide so the only way to cook it was in the oven. I pretty much steamed it for around 10 minutes and then braised it dry for another ten minutes and it came out perfect. My camera sucks (or I suck at taking pictures).

It’s sitting in its own meat juice, and the inside of that marrow is all melted (can’t wait to eat that). Cut up with some brocolli for health.

My dad sent me this cute little thing.

As you can see its only 22mL. I thought it would be crazy spicy, but it’s actually really good. It’s actually really dam good. Its not like those other habanero sauces that just focus on being spicy, or other hot sauces that are overly vinergry. This sauce just straight up tastes like chilis, it has flavor, and it’s spicy without being overwhelming.

Out There Grindin

Almost failed a class today so I don’t even feel like posting but shout out to Archit for saving my life.