Episodes of Sleep

Daily ramblings of Anthony Kang

Finished House of Cards

I have a lot of dreams about basketball

I had two dreams last night. First dream I was playing basketball and I was able to slice and drive to the rim with no opposition, but it wasn’t because I was playing well I just felt that the defense was not trying. I was basically playing against lazy people, but at one point I dunked the ball and fell asleep hanging on the rim, so I started bending the rim. I ended up bending the rim, all the way down, and then I tried to bend it back and then woke up.

Ok next dream was fucked up as shit. So essentially, it started of with me and bunch of people were taking a coding test, there was a proctor, but unless we finished the tests, or finished all the programs, we couldn’t leave the room. So we could write in any language we wanted, but all of a sudden, this guy next to me was like fuck this, and he water bended at the proctor. Like in The Last Airbender shit. So I don’t know what was going on in my mind but like each language corresponded to a “element”, so C++ was water, and Java was fire. I don’t remember what air was but the proctor basically went full evil mode like MWAHAHAHAHAHA mode and he earth bended and rekked everyone in the room and somehow his powers reminded me of Python. Before I woke up, I think I was like begging to be spared because I had used Python on my test so maybe this crazy dude would spare me.

Meals for the day

My bread is so messed up because it’s impossible to spread chunky peanut butter.

Baked some chicken wings and carrots. I wish I had some rosemary though.

Spring Break

Spring break finally started, so either I’ll use this extra time to make higher quality posts for all of my 3 readers, or I’ll just embrace my laziness.

This morning I actually had a pretty interesting dream but I was too lazy to write it down. All I remember was this time I wasn’t participating in my dream, I was simply watching it unfold upon me from inside my head.

Pi day

Happy Pi day. Don’t deny my R^2 Pi huehue. Anyways, friend swiped me in to dining court this morning and since Purdue is fat(phat) as fuck, look at these fucking pies. Ok top left, standard pumpkin pie. Not that interesting, but good nontheless. Bottom left, we got some coconut cream pie. Very light, but also very sweet. Strong coconut flavor. Top right, is it really a pie if its just chocolate pudding? Well it’s like chocolate pudding on the standard graham cracker crust, and its topped with some peanut butter m & m’s mmm. Now the bottom right, this one was a fucking delicacy. So everyone’s familiar with mint chocolate chip ice cream, so this green colored filling is kind of like mint flavored pudding and its fucking good. Underneath that its not crust, its chocolate fudge. Yea you heard it here first.

mmmm Liver

Liver looks gross. But liver is fucking good. But it also tastes like fucking liver. But you know what I really enjoyed, look at the little bit of red shit at the top of the picture. That’s the blood I harvested from the liver and turned in to a sauce. No I’m kidding that’s just some chili garlic sauce that I have that reminded me of home. NOT SIRACHA, that chili sauce that comes in a little container on the tables of chinese restaurants.

I swear I’m not a girl

Drank this with my roomate. It basically tastes like sprite. Good stuff overall though I have to say.

Don’t Cheat in College

Ok so when I woke up this morning I actually deemed my dream to be worthy of posting, but maybe that’s just because I had fun in my dream. So it’s like almost 12 AM right now, so I have extremely faded memories of what I dreamed about last night. Going of my notes I wrote this morning, I was playing in the 3 on 3 basketball tournament that my high school would always host. Except I was playing in my current body, so I was basically having the time of my life dunking on high school kids. The other thing I wrote down this morning was studying…. so fuck that.

I love breakfast

Eggs, cajun sausage, onions, spinach. Peanut butter sandwich not shown. I wonder when I’ll get tired of this breakfast.

I know I haven’t posted much about school or any code snippets and stuff like that, but my excuse is because I’ve been pretty busy this week. But I’ll be writing a script that does a Denial of Service attack soon so look forward to that.

Some nice spaghetti

Doesn’t look to special but this is cooked with 4 slices of bacon so its fucking good.

Last stop on the struggle bus

So I had a midterm on semiconductors today, and this is one of the reasons I sometimes I did computer science instead of computer engineering. But anyways, someone got rekked today, he was caught cheating. The professor brough his test down to the bottom of the lecture hall and yelled, “This kid is wasting his parent’s money.” Pretty scary, pretty harsh.

Harpoon IPA

Recently turned 21 so I started sampling different kind of beers with my roomie.

So this beer is an IPA, which I guess makes it more fancy, or more legit? I don’t really know because I don’t know too much about beers. But when we opened it, it definitly had a fruity scent to it. Maybe not exactly fruity, but it had a pleasent, nature like sent to it. And the taste was very interesting. I’ve never had another beer that tasted like it. It was initially sweet, but immediately became bitter. But the bitter wasn’t unpleasent, it was interesting and it stuck to my toungue.

Creepy Doctor

This morning I actually remembered my dream but I deemed it unworthy.

Subway (LOL)

I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast this morning so instead, here’s a picture of a foot long spicy italian from subway. I can’t believe they don’t do freaking five dollar footlongs anymore. Spicy Italian used to be straight up 5 dollars, now it’s $5.50 plus tax which is SO BULLSHIT.

So today I went to the Purdue student health clinc today to get my knee checked. The freaking physician I got was a freaking weirdo. All I wanted to do was get my knee checked and gtfo so I could study for my tests but he kept making really stupid Bill Clinton jokes and really stupid jokes in general. I wouldn’t say I was threatened or uncomfortable, but the entire expereince was really annoying. I felt like I was being like a kid.


So today I figured out why my lentils were staying as cooked lentils in runny water instead of the lentils being cooked and becoming like a thick soup along with the water. It’s because you need to cook the lentils with salt! The salt “mashes” up the lentils for you.

Struggle bus stop 4

Took my computer security test today which I knew was going to be absolute rekk so after being absolutely rekked, I didin’t feel too bad.

Flip Flops, Non Beach Variety

Sorry if anyone has been expecting me to post a crazy dream, but I haven’t had one worth posting in a while.

What do you even call this

Gotta eat big breakfasts on Tuesdays because no time for lunch. Its that sausage (cajun) , spinach, onion, egg goodness. And you already know I’m all about that peanut butter. I’m trying to finish this smooth shit so I can eat my super crunchy shit.

Struggle bus stop 2

So my second test of this week was actually not that bad. Considering the labs in this class are so considerate that they could singlehandly make you fail the class, the midterms aren’t that bad. Part of the exam was to draw some huge rtl block diagram from some verilog code. I finished the exam pretty quickly. When I handed it to my TA, the first thing he did was flip straight to my diagram and chuckle. After that I was like this is bullshit and I just booked it, I think he was just trolling me though.

I’ve also been playing a lot of smash in the HKN loungue. I wish I had my controller here.

Struggle bus stop 3

Why is history so hard all of a sudden. I actually didin’t know a a bunch of questions on today’s quiz. I got 100% on the first part of this class, why is the second part so hard. I guess founding fathers are more interesting than the Soviets.

Asian style drumsticks

So does this mofo make chicken drumsticks every day. Cause they were ON SALE at the butcher block. So today I made them ASIAN style. I put Sha Cha Jiang and that chili peanut oil stuff along with soy sauce on them. And some ponzu for some acid flavor. You know you have to get the entire flavor palette going. Also carrots and brocolli taste really good when they’re roasted in the oven.