Episodes of Sleep

Daily ramblings of Anthony Kang

I’m a Penguin

Unfortunately I can’t remember my dream from last night. I remember remembering it in the morning but I must have deemed it not interesting enough to note.

Cashew Butter

The only difference today is that the bread has cashew butter on it instead of peanut butter.

So why am I a penguin? Well because my campus turned in to the antarctic. We had tons of snow the past couple days, and when that shit melts, it leaves hella puddles on the ground and leaves the sidewalks and roads completely covered in water. Night comes, and BAM the campus becomes a ice rink. I stepped outside my apartment complex this morning and basically slid from my door to the beginning of the steps. I managed to get down the steps by tightly gripping the frozen hand rail, and then proceeded to shuffle my way to class. Not even boots can help you in these conditions, your need straight up cleats.



So queso and chips are usually like 4 dollars extra on top of waht you pay for a burrito bowl at Qdoba but if you ask for nachos with all the stuff that goes in a burrito bowl, its the equivilant of getting a burrito bowl with a side of nachos. Freaking amazing. theres like a pool of spicy melted cheese under all that in bowl, and they give you a shit ton of chips. It’s not particularly healthy but I fills me up for 8 dollars and that’s not something most places can claim.

I also had a nice talk with my friend Akshay. Shit that guys got it all planned out. Work after graduation until he’s 35. Move back to India and start his own company until he’s 55. He’s gonna be married at 24 or 26 latest. He knows how much money he wants in his bank account when he’s at certain ages. All I know is Keenan telling me that my bank of america account got 6 figures.

Chicken Thighs in Bacon Fat


From the sound it makes in the pan to the how it looks on the plate to how good it is, this chicken is bomb. Unghhhh. The onions are nice after being baked along with the chicken. And of course brocolli for health.

Mixing it up

Mixed it up with some box jumps. I’m about 5’10”, which is pretty short in the Midwest. But anyways, the box is about up to my clavicle so I’d say this is around a 5 foot jump.

Got Smashed on an Interview

Grand theft of my breath

All right you guys are in for a fucking story today, I actually remembered my dream and wrote stuff to help me remember. First of all, in a lot of my dreams I’m typically put in to the kind of scenario similar to GTA. If you’ve played GTA before, if you don’t have cheats enabled, when you actually get wanted stars, the police chase after you and you actually have to hide. But that’s just a video game, imagine you’re in that scenario in your dream. When I dream, they’re lucid in the sense that I’m conscious of whats going on, and the fact that I’m dreaming, but not in the sense where I can control my dream. I can control my actions, but within the real life limits of the scene I’m dumped in to. So I’m part of some 4 man hunter team and we’re wanted by the police and we’re at my old high school. We’re sneaking around and I just feel it in my heart that we’re fucked so I just book it and run through the school, through class rooms and doors and gyms and climbing shit and I eventually make it and hide in a tree. The thing is I actually feel the nervousness and heart papulations you would get if this was actually happening. For some reason I’m always fucking running away from something in my dreams.

The second part of my dream was even more fucked up. I’m still part of this four man team, but we’re thrown in some labyrinth to hunt another 4 man team. Or rather, we’re also being hunted. So we had some gear where we could share vision with each other, so I saw when one of my team mates was pinned against a wall staring down the barrel of an enemy charging her laser beams. But because this is a dream, my teammate did something absolutely crazy and somehow opened a dimension portal where she was and where another enemy was and swapped positions. So then the enemy was going to shoot her own teammates. But my teammate fucked up and the portal she opened closed on her arm, but she didin’t lose her arm, she just lost the soul within her arm… So she tried to recover it by siphoning some soul from another teammate. But that teammate was being hunted and he was hiding from his hunter by making clones of himself so his hunter could not figure out which was the real one, but when my first teammate tried linking her soul with him, it gave away which of the clones was real. I was thinking to myself shit she fucked everything up, and then I woke up. Dreams pretty fucking real….

I can make a better looking one (promise)

I was dam tired this morning, so presentation and precision was at an absolute minimum when making this egg sandwich.

Remeber when I said my group wanted to make a GPU on an FPGA. Well we decided since we know nothing about FPGAs and nothing about GPUs we’re just going to do triple DES encryption on an FPGA instead. That way we’re only completely clueless on half the project.

I also started replaying Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones today, that games bomb.

Roasted Chicken Drumsticks

Working on the chest today so I made some chicken for lunch. I think the best way to impart flavor on meat isn’t with a marinade, or seasoning, or sauce, but my perfectly cooking the meat to exact tenderness. Exact doneness. Not overcooked or undercooked, but precisely cooked. And that is what you see here. FUCK YEAAAAA (Ok it’s a tad undercooked but I was hungry)

I’ll post some recipes enventually.

Informatica Interview

So I had a second round interview with Informatica today for the software developer position, and I felt decently confident going in to it because I had already been offered by Amazon (pure luck). I’m pretty confident with all data structure oreinted questions, but today I was thrown a pretty big curve ball and I just ended up being stomped on. I don’t know if I just wasn’t feeling it today, but either way this was pretty humbling.

Given an n-ary tree where root nodes can have multiple children, nodes can share children, and children can share parents, reverse the tree and return a list of the leaf nodes.

I couldn’t solve it within the time limit, and even after working out the problem after the interview, I still don’t fully understand it.

Here’s a good thread on the question.

Chinese Smoked Beef

So my dad sent me some chinese style smoked beef brisket. So unlike the American BBQ style brisket, the chinese or perhaps taiwanese style is alot firmer. Also it’s usually eaten chilled or at room temperature. But the point is it’s fucking good and its fucking dense and I might have eaten like a full pound of it for dinner. It’s hiding under the brocolli which I added to help push the beef out the other end.

I was kinda sad beacuse the Warriors lost today, freaking Jarret Jack. But shout out to Captain Kirk for making me feel better.


I’m pretty tired today and I can’t remember my dream so going to keep this short. Some nice instant coffee in the morning.

Snow was crazy today. Here’s a view from my schools ECE building.

My overly ambitions group wants to make this monstrosity.

Been feeling the pasta recently so pasta with chicken, bacon, and spinach again.

But I did watch Kobe Bryant’s muse documentary, and dam he has some powerful things to say. I’m not a movie reviewer or something so all I can say is I would highly recommend it.

House of Cards S3!!

Anyone tryna binge watch some HOC

I support GMOs in my dream

So last night I came up with an awesome invention, pasta that changes color based on the heat of the sauce. By heat I mean spiciness. So if you have some tomato sauce, the actual spaghetti, or in my dream it was like the spiral pasta you get from sweet tomatoes or soupplantation, gets more red depending on the spiciness of the sauce. So maybe like the flour has some molecule that can detect capsaicin or something and that releases a red pigment. Ok it’s pretty stupid but I can see this being pretty popular.

Got some new sausage


As promised, I got some new sausages. Tailgater’s brats straight from the boilermaker butcher block. I don’t rememebr the flavor profile but I do know it was dam good. Added some ketchuip and siracha on my eggs, and you know I like that penaut butter slightly melted.

If anyone knows about OrCad and using Pspice with that, fuck that shit.

Smoked Chicken Leg

So my dad sent me some bomb ass smoked chicken leg. He literally wrapped that shit in plastic wrap and sent it half way across the country hoping it would not spoil, and thank god it didin’t cause it was dynamite. And I made some bacon and chicken spaghetti with some tomato sauce, but the pasta wasn’t from my dream unfortunately. Brocolli for “health”

Oh if anyone is really familiar with the Chinese Remainder Theorem hit me up cause I need some help with that.

I’ve been balling every day this week since I’m taking a break from lifting. So I have a little blurb every day. Today I matched up with this huge black dude cause I was the tallest on my team. But this guy was like 6’3” and I’m 5’10” on a good day and when he was backing me down his ass was straight in my chest. But after the game he told me I gave him a lot of trouble on defense so even though I felt I was being backed down by Shaq I guess I still played some good D.

Fuck Hearthstone Man

Secret Saudi Dance Party

Ok so the dream started of with me walking towards my apartment from the electrical engineering lab and somehow I saw my buddy Allen from back home. Like this guy is straight out of my home town and I’d consider him one of my closest friends. He says he’s here on a secret spy mission and I end up taking him to the Stewert Center where there’s a secret dance bar and inside the bar there’s a secret room where he has to dance to prevent the launching of missles. On the way there we pass the Saudi Arabian Embassy somehow. We enter the dance bar and it’s quite empty. There were only a couple of circles formed but no one was really going at it. All of a sudden Allen transforms in to a female version of himself and then he starts going nuts randomly on the floor by himself. Somehow we make it to the secret room where I was put in charge of running test benches for underclassmen code and for some reason my life was on the line if they worked or not. So I decided to also dance but I felt super weak and could not pull of any of my typical moves and then Allen transformed in to some fusion of my girlfriend Theresa and Byron where that person would not cuddle with me and was constantly playing some stupid iteration of the online game Tera.
I’m just rambling but that’s what it is bois.

Ran out of sausage

Mixing it up with some store bought on sale bacon and some sunny side up eggs. Messed one up cause I cracked it from too high.

RSA Cryptography

I worked on writing a script that performs RSA cryptography encryption and decryption for the better part of my day, so if you’re wondering how the keys are generated this is it. Totient is a funny word hehe.

I ain’t Indian Lentils

Tried making some lentils today, but I used too much water and the consistency was messed up. It’s got garam masala, cumin, coriander, and chili powder. And of course spinach for “health”.
I’m outta control
Played ball with my buds today. So much more fun when you’re playing with everyone you know, the team dynamic awesome. Not gonna lie I was going hard and going off today, a little like Brodie.
Except I’m not Brodie so the result is now my knee hurts like a mofo.

Coupons for days

Now usually you all know I’m about that healthy life (spinach), but when you got buy one get one coupons for McDonalds, you know what it is.
Nutritional content claims I had almost 2000mg of sodium, which must explain why I’m so thirsty right now.

Boring Hearthstone Meta

Hearthstone is such a drag right now. Everyclass runs a max of 2 viable lists for the ladder and the game is so predictable. If both you and your opponent know how to play your decks correctly, it simply becomes a matchup and hand draw coinflip. I’m not an expert, that’s just my opinion from watching the recent tournaments as well as from my experiences on the ladder. And off course there’s Dr. Bitch.