This morning I actually remembered my dream but I deemed it unworthy.
Subway (LOL)

I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast this morning so instead, here’s a picture of a foot long spicy italian from subway. I can’t believe they don’t do freaking five dollar footlongs anymore. Spicy Italian used to be straight up 5 dollars, now it’s $5.50 plus tax which is SO BULLSHIT.
So today I went to the Purdue student health clinc today to get my knee checked. The freaking physician I got was a freaking weirdo. All I wanted to do was get my knee checked and gtfo so I could study for my tests but he kept making really stupid Bill Clinton jokes and really stupid jokes in general. I wouldn’t say I was threatened or uncomfortable, but the entire expereince was really annoying. I felt like I was being like a kid.

So today I figured out why my lentils were staying as cooked lentils in runny water instead of the lentils being cooked and becoming like a thick soup along with the water. It’s because you need to cook the lentils with salt! The salt “mashes” up the lentils for you.
Struggle bus stop 4
Took my computer security test today which I knew was going to be absolute rekk so after being absolutely rekked, I didin’t feel too bad.