Sorry if anyone has been expecting me to post a crazy dream, but I haven’t had one worth posting in a while.
What do you even call this

Gotta eat big breakfasts on Tuesdays because no time for lunch. Its that sausage (cajun) , spinach, onion, egg goodness. And you already know I’m all about that peanut butter. I’m trying to finish this smooth shit so I can eat my super crunchy shit.
Struggle bus stop 2
So my second test of this week was actually not that bad. Considering the labs in this class are so considerate that they could singlehandly make you fail the class, the midterms aren’t that bad. Part of the exam was to draw some huge rtl block diagram from some verilog code. I finished the exam pretty quickly. When I handed it to my TA, the first thing he did was flip straight to my diagram and chuckle. After that I was like this is bullshit and I just booked it, I think he was just trolling me though.
I’ve also been playing a lot of smash in the HKN loungue. I wish I had my controller here.
Struggle bus stop 3
Why is history so hard all of a sudden. I actually didin’t know a a bunch of questions on today’s quiz. I got 100% on the first part of this class, why is the second part so hard. I guess founding fathers are more interesting than the Soviets.
Asian style drumsticks

So does this mofo make chicken drumsticks every day. Cause they were ON SALE at the butcher block. So today I made them ASIAN style. I put Sha Cha Jiang and that chili peanut oil stuff along with soy sauce on them. And some ponzu for some acid flavor. You know you have to get the entire flavor palette going. Also carrots and brocolli taste really good when they’re roasted in the oven.