Secret Saudi Dance Party
Ok so the dream started of with me walking towards my apartment from the electrical engineering lab and somehow I saw my buddy Allen from back home. Like this guy is straight out of my home town and I’d consider him one of my closest friends. He says he’s here on a secret spy mission and I end up taking him to the Stewert Center where there’s a secret dance bar and inside the bar there’s a secret room where he has to dance to prevent the launching of missles. On the way there we pass the Saudi Arabian Embassy somehow. We enter the dance bar and it’s quite empty. There were only a couple of circles formed but no one was really going at it. All of a sudden Allen transforms in to a female version of himself and then he starts going nuts randomly on the floor by himself. Somehow we make it to the secret room where I was put in charge of running test benches for underclassmen code and for some reason my life was on the line if they worked or not. So I decided to also dance but I felt super weak and could not pull of any of my typical moves and then Allen transformed in to some fusion of my girlfriend Theresa and Byron where that person would not cuddle with me and was constantly playing some stupid iteration of the online game Tera.
I’m just rambling but that’s what it is bois.
I’m just rambling but that’s what it is bois.
Ran out of sausage

Mixing it up with some store bought on sale bacon and some sunny side up eggs. Messed one up cause I cracked it from too high.
RSA Cryptography

I worked on writing a script that performs RSA cryptography encryption and decryption for the better part of my day, so if you’re wondering how the keys are generated this is it. Totient is a funny word hehe.
I ain’t Indian Lentils

Tried making some lentils today, but I used too much water and the consistency was messed up. It’s got garam masala, cumin, coriander, and chili powder. And of course spinach for “health”.
I’m outta control
Played ball with my buds today. So much more fun when you’re playing with everyone you know, the team dynamic awesome. Not gonna lie I was going hard and going off today, a little like Brodie.
Except I’m not Brodie so the result is now my knee hurts like a mofo.
Coupons for days
Now usually you all know I’m about that healthy life (spinach), but when you got buy one get one coupons for McDonalds, you know what it is.

Nutritional content claims I had almost 2000mg of sodium, which must explain why I’m so thirsty right now.
Boring Hearthstone Meta
Hearthstone is such a drag right now. Everyclass runs a max of 2 viable lists for the ladder and the game is so predictable. If both you and your opponent know how to play your decks correctly, it simply becomes a matchup and hand draw coinflip. I’m not an expert, that’s just my opinion from watching the recent tournaments as well as from my experiences on the ladder. And off course there’s Dr. Bitch.