Didn’t remember my dream from last night. Circuits suck. Stared at a breadboard for two hours only to realize the circuit wasn’t working because my transistor had blown. The hardware struggles of a software oriented computer engineer continues. But enough of that, on to the food (I need to work on plating).
Cajun Sausage Disco Eggs

Pretty much make this every morning. It’s fucking good and it lasts me until lunch. Gotta have that breakfast.
I had a homemade roast pork sandwich for lunch but that wasn’t worth taking a picture of. Currently using my phones camera which is quite….. shitty.
Soy Sauce Roast Pork

Meat, rice, and brocolli. The plating sucks but it tastes good I swear. It’s easy to make too, I’ll try to get a recipe up eventually.
Daily Workout
Wanted to get a video of a 4 plate pull but definitly wasn’t feeling it today. Form was already struggling with 315 x 5. Going to take a break from lifting for a week and probably just play ball. I think I need a better chair for my desk cause my back’s been feeling like an old man’s.
Here’s a some pictures I wanted to put on this blog but I didin’t have it set up yet and I’m too lazy now >
stole some chicken from the dining court
lamb spaghetti with some unmelted cheese
4 dollar vegeterian wet burritos with my chut jakshay